HTSL Group Acquires Phoenix Dosimetry

Introducing Phoenix Dosimetry Ltd: Your Trusted Partner in Cutting-Edge Radiation Detection Solutions

Team Excellence: A Skilled Workforce for Long-Term Contracts

Exclusive UK Distributor for Thermo Fisher Scientific Instruments

As the UK distributor for the Thermo Fisher Scientific range of instruments, Phoenix Dosimetry offers an extensive selection, including Radeyes, TruDose EPD’s, gate monitors, and the Harshaw TLD readers, materials, and accessories. This partnership ensures that our customers have access to state-of-the-art radiation monitoring solutions backed by a global leader in the industry.

Proud Representatives of Industry-Leading Companies

In addition to Thermo Fisher Scientific, Phoenix Dosimetry is proud to represent a range of reputable companies, including:

  • John Caunt Scientific: Showcasing the ED3 real-time extremity monitor, equipped with a data logger, diode detectors, and PC-based software.
  • PHDS: Offering portable high purity germanium detectors, such as the Fulcrum and Fulcrum 40H, with imaging capabilities alongside gamma spectroscopy provided by GeGi.
  • Polimaster: Providing EPD’s – Radflash and the PM1401K-3P handheld multipurpose spectrum analyzer and isotope identifier, along with other cutting-edge devices.
  • Codeac Solutions: Introducing a unique solution for radionuclide detection through colored wipes/solutions that change color based on the isotope, with the shade indicating the activity – an exceptional product with diverse applications.
  • Femto-TECH: Manufacturing the LPT, a radon and air quality monitor, along with Tritium monitors.
  • TALS: Manufacturing a whole-body phantom for calibrating whole-body counters.

Get in Touch – Explore Our Full Range of Radiation Monitoring Solutions 

Whether you’re a regular customer or new to our services, we look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need further information.

[email protected]

Welcome to a new era of excellence in radiation detection instruments with Phoenix Dosimetry Ltd !

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